Indigenous Relations

Cementation Canada is committed to advancing to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action 92: Business and Reconciliation. Our relationships with Indigenous communities are grounded in trust and respect. We are fully committed to meaningful consultation to provide equitable access to jobs, training, and educational opportunities for community members. We stand by a shared purpose in economic development opportunities. Cementation offers several pathways to training and employment to maximize our commitment to Indigenous communities.

We provide hire‐on preference to local Indigenous Peoples with existing qualifications and experience required for the project, seek opportunities for trade apprenticeships, and allocate training funding to community members.

Cementation also developed an award-winning New Miner Training Program, which is delivered in a dedicated community to support a specific project. The minimum one-year training is divided into three phases – theory, practical, and job placement and is co-developed and tailored to individual communities. Trainees learn from the Province of Ontario’s Mining Modular Program – Underground Hard Rock Minter Program. Graduate trainees begin employment at entry-level positions and have the opportunity to develop their skills on the job to pursue a trade that best suits their skill set and interests.

Read more about our approach:


Woman with safety equipment operating mining equipment